Because of our open border policies, families across our state are being affected by an increase in crime, human trafficking, and some of the deadliest drugs known to man. I’ll work to prioritize border security, enforce existing immigration laws, and implement merit-based systems to ensure that immigration benefits both the economy and the nation's security.

Protecting Our Freedoms

Our national security is paramount, and supporting our troops is foundational to preserving the strength and integrity of our nation. We must ensure our military is at the ready using cutting-edge technology and an unwavering commitment to providing our armed forces with the resources they need to defend our freedoms and deter potential threats to our homeland.

Unleash American Energy

Unleashing American energy not only bolsters our economy - it is crucial for ensuring our national security. By tapping into our vast domestic energy resources and implementing an all of the above approach, we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil, strengthen our energy independence, and safeguard our nation from threats abroad.

America Must Always Come First

As an America First, Trump conservative, I will always fight to protect our interests before the interests of others. That means securing our border, unleashing energy independence, ensuring our tax dollars are spent wisely at home, and keeping us out of endless wars.

Less Government, More Free-Market

With any legislation before my desk, I will always fight for free-market principles, lower taxes, and reduced government regulations to foster business growth, create jobs, and stimulate economic prosperity.

Protect your 2nd Amendment Rights

I will fight every day to protect our constitutional right to bear arms and ensure that it is never infringed upon.

Support the Sanctity of Life

As a Christian, I will always fight for the sanctity of human life, promoting alternatives such as adoption and seeking to protect the rights of the unborn.

Stop Reckless Spending

As a businessman, I’ve created budgets and lived within my means. That is what our federal government must do. I’ll fight for fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, and prudent spending to safeguard the nation's financial stability for future generations.

Term limits

As a strong believer in term limits, we must prevent the entrenchment of career politicians, promote fresh ideas, and ensure a more responsive and accountable government that truly represents the will of the people as our Founders intended.

Unmatched Service to Constituents

If given the opportunity to serve, I'll prioritize accessibility, responsiveness, and effectiveness to address the unique needs and concerns of those who elected us to represent them. 

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